Monday, May 14, 2012

Random thoughts...

I just thought of my blog and felt compelled to visit it. And when I visited it, I thought I should post something.
I read a few blogs... very few blogs and I am particularly fond of reading a blog by one Ms. Dhanya (My Own Little World). She is a very good writer. Thoughful. Every time she makes a post, it is well thought out, well crafted and she posts  only when she has something to convey to the readers. There is, of course, the makings of a spirited writer in her posts. What I like most is the element of humour and wit that she often plays with in most of her posts. A very chubby and lively person - this is what I could make out after reading a lot of her posts. She is a veteran blogger. One more thing to appreciate about her is the way she has faced all the odds in her life and come out of it all quite boldly. Kudos girl! Well, I really don't know why my post is all about Ms.D. I don't know her personally. Just know her through her blogs and well this is how people get to know each other in blogosphere. I know that she is a serious blogger (unlike me) and also know that she is an engineer by profession and perhaps she is almost my age.Now, I didn't think that engineers could be creative. I felt science was totally cut off from arts and literature. I admit that it was a foolish notion of mine and ever since I started teaching engineering students I got to know that they too are normal people like us "arts graduates". I thought only people with a basic knowledge in Literature would appreciate the products of imagination. Many of my students are good in poetry, well read and some aspire to be novelists or script-writers!!! It was a revelation for me.

Another blog, which touched my heart was the blog by IHM (The Life and Times of an Indian Homemaker). Her accounts of her recently deceased daughter and the girl's remarkable blog (Tejaswee Rao's blog) were heart-rending. There are times when one is forced to think of God's wanton ways with his creations or rather I'm oft reminded of human mortality and frailty in the face of death.

The thought of death suddenly brought back the quick and untimely demise of a colleague. In fact, after attending his funeral rites, I was compelled to think of death and how it affects the dear and near ones of the demised. A shudder goes through my spine and I hate to think of it.

My life is bound, surrounded and engulfed by the dear and near ones in my life. If I am here, it's because of them. If I am happy, it's because of them. If I am anything in my life, it's because of them. I can never part ways with my loved ones. I love them to the core of my heart. Can't express it in words. And to be the part of a loving and caring family is the biggest blessing in life. To get a life partner whom you can trust to the core and love with all your life is again a blessing. I thank God for all that He has given me. I will be thankful ever.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dedicated to the "Vicious circle"

Work, work, and more work :(

It has been ages since I posted something on my blog. Life has been through a roller-coaster ride since my last blog entry (I got married!! I got a good promotion!! I love my job... Of course, I love my sweetheart more!!! I enjoy my work.. My sis is getting married :o and many more stuffs) Life is like that... At the end of the day, I am happy...

I love to write. But I'm too lazy. I, sometimes pen down my thoughts in a diary. But that too is very rare. I want to do a lot of things. But I am doing a very few things. Basically, I am damn lazy........
I know it. But I am not doing anything to change my lethargic nature. And doing nothing is pestering me.
Well, as of now I prefer my style of writing to be like that of  Albert Camus or Beckett of the Absurd genre of literature.

Am tired.

These are the ramblings of a poor soul at the end of the day she worked the most in the last few years!!!!

PS: Am sane..totally..just found a light way of coming back to my blog... Would love to come back often!!! :))

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You have to......

These days I don't feel like blogging much. Been very lazy and thoughts seem to be evading me. 
But I felt a strong urge to scribble something today and rather than writing it down I am filling it here.
What will I talk about other than what happens in my little world. To be writing about the outside world and worldly things, I don't think I have the mettle to do that. Besides, I have decided to keep my life simple, devoid of thoughts that are profound and of otherworldly. For the time being, let my thoughts revolve around me and my little world that comprises those few people who matters most to me. 

Life has taken me through its myriad courses. When I look back I realize after all it wasn't that bad and there were many things I learned in this course of my life.
People come in and go out of our life. Some remain as buddies forever...  Some are easily forgotten.  Some teach us a lot about life.  Some give us a purpose for our life.  Some motivate us.  Some cheer us.  Some pull us down.  Some stay with us forever. Yes, this 'some' includes my family, friends, relatives, and almost everyone who has come into contact with me in this short life of mine. People who stay in our minds for a long time are the ones who have influenced us the most. They are the ones who must have been the very reason for our existence. I'm really lucky to have met some really good people like that. But such people are very less and very rare to find.

I often wonder how human beings influence each other so much so that their lives becomes so intertwined and can never be separated. When we look at the lives of animals, the influence they have on the other members of their own species are not so complex and bounding like what we find in human lives. It's very minimal. God is really strange to have created this human species without which the world would have been very very different place.

I wonder why is it that Yours Truly has become so thoughtful and philosophical today. But she is sometimes. Can't help it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The 'Low' Episode

Well, back again with a bang!!!
:D ..My own attempts at making my blog entry a little dramatic... A blog with practically no readers but myself needs some self-boosting. But I love this, my blog and its uniqueness- In the sense that I am recording my thoughts in this blog of mine which could be read by some dear and close friends to whom I have shared the link. Though I don't have any regular readers to my blog, it is good. I am in love with my own blog :-) :-o I guess that's called 'pygmalionism.'

Now, coming to my title The 'Low' Episode. Yes, let me explain a little here. It refers to my bouts of low BP tendencies in the past two or three weeks. This low BP episode has become the talk of my colleagues the moment they see me around. The various and numerous advices and suggestions I have been receiving for the past few weeks to increase my BP to its normal -stable level has been tremendous and humongous!!! I mean whenever I meet a colleague or friend of mine who knows about this low BP episode of mine would start giving me suggestions on improving my diet. So much so that now I can advise anyone on the diet for a person with low BP.

To make it clear, it all started with a fainting episode one early morning (few weeks back) followed  by a BP check-up which showed it to be very low. After that incident, whenever I feel dizzy and tired in the middle of the day or in the evening or at times, in the morning itself, I just walk into the clinic in our campus and just get my BP checked by the nurses there. Every time, I get to see a wrinkled brow, a frown, or some strange not-so-fine expression on their faces. They would ask me, "Hey, you don't eat or what? Have lime juice with salt in it!!! Eat loads ma..Have fruits...take care..Have food from canteen".. so on and so forth. After checking a few times, I just stopped going there. Even when I feel dizzy or tired. I would just try my own methods to increase my BP and guess at times I succeed too.

After a few bouts of self-treatment I fell sick again. I mean veryyy low BP this time and finally decided to get home and be done with a thorough medical examination. Well, Dad was summoned as I wasn't allowed to travel alone. Poor Dad, with two daughters, always on wheels to fetch us, drop us, accompany us wherever, whatever and whenever. It feels good to be in the warm security of our dear and near ones. But quite often I do feel guilty for troubling them. Can't help it. I mean in our place a woman can't travel alone after 6pm. We can't take chances by traveling alone early in the morning before sunrise. If we do, then we would be nothing more than the hot topic of discussion in the next day's newspapers and TV channels. People from Kerala will understand why???

Well, coming back to the "Low Episode". I got a thorough medical check up -- blood tests, X-Ray, ECG, Scanning and what not. Spent four thousand bucks. And the results: I'm perfectly ok. No solid reason could be found out for the bouts of Low BP except that my pleasure of skipping my meals and breakfasts of and on was the villain. And Yes, I don't have enough Calcium in my body. I was prescribed to take Ca tablets for a month!
So here goes my anecdote, the low episode of my life! Hopefully bored my readers to death!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stars Again!!!

It  feels really good to come back. It becomes necessary at times.
My mind is in a tumultuous state and it needs some relaxation and digression. My blog is always the best place for me to return to. I know I won't be judged here. I know I won't be questioned here. I know I won't have to fear anything here. This is my place, solely mine and I can divulge and indulge the way I want. No, I don't mean to say, I am thwarted in any way in my life otherwise. But there are certain things in our life which are beyond us and beyond our capabilities to change or sway according to our wishes. The stars and planets which rule the hearts of many a million, and which people think are the sole reason for the why and when of certain things in our life. I don't know whether I should be cribbing about any of these or just sit back and watch the stage enactments of all these follies and frolics.
Things happen so soon and so slow at times. Seems to me like I am reading a work of fiction. Life has baffled me many a times and it continues still. I really wish I do get a picture of things to be.
I'm getting so philosophical and I guess I must stop now.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

To be or not to be.........

I have been away for quite some time. I mean from my blog. I strongly feel that I must write as often as I can. There are so many reasons why I have been away. But I don't want to share it now :)
Life's uncertainties have always baffled me. This time to such an extent that I really can't explain it. But the best thing this time around is that I'm loving it. Yes, it has been a week of surprises. A week, that has gone too fast and too confusing.
Happy weekend to myself !!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Homewards :)

Missing my dear and near ones...
Guess I would get over the feeling today as I am going home after a couple of weeks...
I don't understand why at times, some sort of strange and peculiar feelings pop up in me when I don't visit home for a long time. I don't really think it could be termed as "Homesickness" as I am used to staying away from home for many years. But the feeling never goes off. I feel like drinking the water at home, breathe the fresh air, laze around in my home and garden, watch the birds cackling and cooing on a sunny afternoon, the mango trees bearing the first blossoms, the jack fruits ripe and big and many more sights just awaiting my arrival. I feel like watching all this and be a part of all that is happening around that little world of mine where I can be my true self, devoid of chains and worries and rules. It is so nice to be at one's own home and do specifically nothing but just be yourself and relax. That is a feeling inexplicable as far as I am concerned.
So off to home, though I could have started early in the afternoon but was impeded by some unnecessary formalities and stuff.
I am gonna embark on my journey homewards :) Though it is only a matter of five or six hours, it means quite a lot to me.

Quirky Rambles of a Wimp

It feels strange or I should rather say awkward getting back here after a span of six years. I don't even know if I should be posting th...