Monday, May 14, 2012

Random thoughts...

I just thought of my blog and felt compelled to visit it. And when I visited it, I thought I should post something.
I read a few blogs... very few blogs and I am particularly fond of reading a blog by one Ms. Dhanya (My Own Little World). She is a very good writer. Thoughful. Every time she makes a post, it is well thought out, well crafted and she posts  only when she has something to convey to the readers. There is, of course, the makings of a spirited writer in her posts. What I like most is the element of humour and wit that she often plays with in most of her posts. A very chubby and lively person - this is what I could make out after reading a lot of her posts. She is a veteran blogger. One more thing to appreciate about her is the way she has faced all the odds in her life and come out of it all quite boldly. Kudos girl! Well, I really don't know why my post is all about Ms.D. I don't know her personally. Just know her through her blogs and well this is how people get to know each other in blogosphere. I know that she is a serious blogger (unlike me) and also know that she is an engineer by profession and perhaps she is almost my age.Now, I didn't think that engineers could be creative. I felt science was totally cut off from arts and literature. I admit that it was a foolish notion of mine and ever since I started teaching engineering students I got to know that they too are normal people like us "arts graduates". I thought only people with a basic knowledge in Literature would appreciate the products of imagination. Many of my students are good in poetry, well read and some aspire to be novelists or script-writers!!! It was a revelation for me.

Another blog, which touched my heart was the blog by IHM (The Life and Times of an Indian Homemaker). Her accounts of her recently deceased daughter and the girl's remarkable blog (Tejaswee Rao's blog) were heart-rending. There are times when one is forced to think of God's wanton ways with his creations or rather I'm oft reminded of human mortality and frailty in the face of death.

The thought of death suddenly brought back the quick and untimely demise of a colleague. In fact, after attending his funeral rites, I was compelled to think of death and how it affects the dear and near ones of the demised. A shudder goes through my spine and I hate to think of it.

My life is bound, surrounded and engulfed by the dear and near ones in my life. If I am here, it's because of them. If I am happy, it's because of them. If I am anything in my life, it's because of them. I can never part ways with my loved ones. I love them to the core of my heart. Can't express it in words. And to be the part of a loving and caring family is the biggest blessing in life. To get a life partner whom you can trust to the core and love with all your life is again a blessing. I thank God for all that He has given me. I will be thankful ever.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dedicated to the "Vicious circle"

Work, work, and more work :(

It has been ages since I posted something on my blog. Life has been through a roller-coaster ride since my last blog entry (I got married!! I got a good promotion!! I love my job... Of course, I love my sweetheart more!!! I enjoy my work.. My sis is getting married :o and many more stuffs) Life is like that... At the end of the day, I am happy...

I love to write. But I'm too lazy. I, sometimes pen down my thoughts in a diary. But that too is very rare. I want to do a lot of things. But I am doing a very few things. Basically, I am damn lazy........
I know it. But I am not doing anything to change my lethargic nature. And doing nothing is pestering me.
Well, as of now I prefer my style of writing to be like that of  Albert Camus or Beckett of the Absurd genre of literature.

Am tired.

These are the ramblings of a poor soul at the end of the day she worked the most in the last few years!!!!

PS: Am sane..totally..just found a light way of coming back to my blog... Would love to come back often!!! :))

Quirky Rambles of a Wimp

It feels strange or I should rather say awkward getting back here after a span of six years. I don't even know if I should be posting th...